Nieuwe kwaliteitswoningen
Voor meer informatie of een afspraak kunt u telefonisch contact met ons opnemen op het nummer: +34 971 70 69 72
Nieuwe kwaliteitswoningen
Voor meer informatie of een afspraak kunt u telefonisch contact met ons opnemen op het nummer: +34 971 70 69 72
In overeenstemming met het bepaalde in Verordening (EU) 2016/679 van 27 april 2016 (AVG) is Taylor Wimpey de verantwoordelijke voor de verwerking van uw gegevens. Uw gegevens worden verwerkt om u per e-mail op de hoogte te houden van de verleende diensten, de commerciële acties en de door de verantwoordelijke uitgevoerde werken. De legitimatie voor het gebruik van uw gegevens is gebaseerd op de ondertekening van een dienstverleningsovereenkomst waarin de belanghebbende zijn acceptatie en instemming kenbaar maakt. Er worden geen gegevens doorgegeven aan derden tenzij Taylor Wimpey daartoe wettelijk is verplicht. Uw gegevens worden vernietigd zodra u zich uitschrijft en/of de wettelijke bewaringstermijn verstreken is. De betrokkenen kunnen hun recht op toegang, op wijziging, op wissing, om te worden vergeten, op overdracht en op beperking van de verwerking uitoefenen door zich tot de verzender van deze factuur te richten. U kunt zich tevens tot de Spaanse Autoriteit voor gegevensbescherming richten als u van mening bent dat uw rechten werden geschonden. Meer informatie: Op de website of per e-mail op
FIN: A-07248206
Adres: C/Aragón 223-223 A Bajos, 07008, Palma de Mallorca, Spanje
Telefoonnummer: +34 971 70 69 72
Officieel registratienummer: Boekdeel 2356; Boek 0; Pagina 104; Bladzijde PM-467; Inschrijving 67
Bescherming van persoonsgegevens
In naleving van de Organieke wet 15/1999, van 13 december, inzake de bescherming van persoonsgegevens en de Wet inzake diensten van de informatiemaatschappij en elektronische handel informeert Taylor Wimpey Spanje S.A. Unipersonal u over het feit dat de persoonsgegevens die u doorgeeft worden opgenomen in een gegevensbestand dat eigendom is van Taylor Wimpey Spanje Unipersonal. De gegevens die in het bestand worden opgenomen zijn rechtstreeks door de onderneming of uit algemeen toegankelijke bronnen verkregen. Op deze manier willen we de ontvangen vragen en aanvragen beheren en u in de toekomst, op regelmatige basis van interessante informatie kunnen voorzien. U kunt op elk moment gebruikmaken van uw recht op toegang, oppositie, annulering en rectificatie door ons schriftelijk te contacteren op het volgende adres: C/ Aragón 223 A bajos, 07008 Palma de Mallorca (Balearen).
Als u liever geen informatie van ons ontvangt, kunt u dit eveneens via bovenstaand adres melden.
The present Legal Terms and Conditions regulates the access, navigation and use of the website (hereinafter, the “Website”).
We inform you that this Website belongs to TAYLOR WIMPEY DE ESPAÑA S.A. UNIPERSONAL (hereinafter, the “OWNER”), with Fiscal ID A-07248206 and registered business premises at C/Aragón 223-223 A Bajos, 07008, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
The user (hereinafter, the “User”) can contact the Marketing department by using the following e-mail address:
Access and/or use of the Website implies the condition of User, and the acceptance, following said access and/or use, of the present Legal Terms and Conditions.
Said access is open and free of charge. Notwithstanding, some services and content provided on the Website by the OWNER, could be subject to prior contracting of a service or product and to the payment of an amount of money in the manner specified therein.
The User assumes responsibility for the use of the Website. The Website may provide access to a multitude of texts, graphs, drawings, designs, photographs, multimedia content, and information (hereinafter, “Content“) belonging to the OWNER or to third parties to which the User may have access.
The User undertakes to use the Content and services offered on the Website in an appropriate and, by way of example, but not limitation, to not use them (i) to engage in illicit or illegal activities, or contrary to good faith and public order; (ii) to cause any damage to the physical or virtual systems of the Website holder, its suppliers or third parties, (iii) to introduce or disseminate computer viruses or any other physical or virtual system that may potentially cause the aforementioned damage, (iv) attempt to access, use and/or manipulate the data of the OWNER, third party suppliers and other Users; (v) reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access via any form of public communication, change or modify the Content, unless authorised by the holder of the corresponding rights; (vi) delete, conceal or alter the notes on intellectual or industrial property rights and/or any other data which identifies the rights of the OWNER or third parties incorporated within the Content, as well as any technical measures designed to protect the Content or any information mechanisms that may be inserted into the Content.
The OWNER has the right to investigate and report any of the abovementioned behaviour in accordance with the Law, and also to collaborate with the authorities in any investigation of said activities.
All intellectual property rights regarding the content of this Website and its graphic design are the exclusive property of the OWNER, or of a third party that has authorised use of the same, and so it is the OWNER that may exclusively exercise the corresponding rights to make use of the same.
Therefore, and by virtue of the provisions of the Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of the 12th of April, approving the Revised Text of the Intellectual Property Law, along with Law 17/2001, of the 7th of December, regarding Trademarks and complementary legislation on intellectual and industrial property, the reproduction, transmission, adaptation, translation, distribution, public communication, including the modality of making content available, or any other use and/or modification, whether total or partial, of any content included on the Website, without the prior express authorisation of the OWNER, is prohibited.
The OWNER does not grant any licence or authorisation for the use, in any way, of its intellectual and industrial property rights, or over any other property or right related to the Website, services or content of the same.
The legitimacy of the rights of intellectual or industrial property corresponding with content provided by Users is exclusively their responsibility, and as a result the User will guarantee the indemnity of the OWNER with regards to any claim by third parties resulting from illicit use of content on the Website.
The OWNER declares that it has undertaken the necessary measures, within the realm of its capabilities and technological reach, to allow the Website to function correctly, and to ensure it is free from virus and any potentially damaging components. Notwithstanding, the OWNER cannot be held responsible for: (i) continuity and availability of Content and Services; (ii) the absence of errors in said Content or of the correction of any defect that may occur; (iii) the absence of virus and/or any other damaging components; (iv) damages caused by any person that has infiltrated the security systems put in place by the OWNER.
The OWNER may temporarily suspend access to the Website, without prior notice, for the purpose of maintenance, repair, update or improvement. When circumstances allow, however, the OWNER will inform the User, with sufficient notice, of the date planned for the suspension of services.
The OWNER accepts no responsibility for links to other web pages that are to be found on the Website, which may lead the User to other websites over which, the OWNER has no control, therefore the User is exclusively responsible for any content accessed and, in the conditions laid out by the said external web pages.
The OWNER is not responsible for how Users may make use of the content from the Website, nor for content from third parties that may appear on the Website. The OWNER does not have the power or human or technical resources to know of, control, or approve all of the information, content, products or services that are provided by third parties, owners of other websites, established on the Website.
The present Legal Notice is valid indefinitely, with the OWNER able to change the conditions specified in this Legal Notice at any time, which will become effective upon publication.
The OWNER may delete, add or change the content as well as the services provided, along with the manner in which the same appear presented or located on the Website. The conditions published at the time of the User accessing the OWNER’S Website, are understood to be those applicable at that time.
Access and/or use of the Website is deemed to be acceptance of this present Legal Notice and conditions by the User, and, if applicable, any changes made to the same.
In overeenstemming met het bepaalde in Verordening (EU) 2016/679 van 27 april 2016 (AVG) en Organieke Wet (ES) 15/1999 van 13 december inzake Gegevensbescherming informeren we u dat:
In voorkomend geval zullen de via dit formulier verstrekte identificatiegegevens worden doorgegeven aan:
De legitieme basis voor de verwerking van uw gegevens is de instemming en het akkoord van de belanghebbende.
Klachten: U kunt te allen tijde uw recht op inzage, op wissing, op correctie, op bezwaar, op beperking, op verwijdering, om te worden vergeten, om niet te worden onderworpen aan geautomatiseerde individuele besluiten en om niet te worden onderworpen aan gegevensoverdraagbaarheid uitoefenen door een geschreven brief en een fotokopie van uw identiteitsbewijs of gelijkwaardig document per traditionele post naar Carrer d’Aragó, 223, 07008 Palma de Mallorca, Islas Baleares, of elektronisch gehandtekend via e-mail naar te sturen.
Als u aanvullende en meer gedetailleerde informatie over de bescherming van uw gegevens wenst, kunt u die nalezen op de website of op het moment dat u dit document afgeeft opvragen.
Verantwoordelijke voor de gegevensverwerking.
De verantwoordelijke voor de verwerking van de door u verstrekte gegevens is:
Taylor Wimpey España (+34 971 70 69 72 +
Doel van de verwerking
Taylor Wimpey España zal uw persoonsgegevens verwerken voor de volgende doelen:
De belanghebbende vult een dienstencontract of een gegevensverzamelformulier in om zijn akkoord en instemming te geven.
Bewaartermijn van de gegevens
De persoonsgegevens worden bewaard voor de duur van de relatie met de verantwoordelijke. Na beëindiging van de relatie zullen de persoonsgegevens die voor de verschillende, vermelde doeleinden worden verwerkt, nog worden bewaard voor de duur van de wettelijk vastgestelde termijnen of de verjaringstermijn van gerechtelijke beslechtingen. Als er een verplichting tot behoud bestaat zullen de verwerkte gegevens worden bewaard zolang bovenstaande, wettelijke termijnen niet zijn verstreken. Als deze verplichting niet bestaat zullen ze worden bewaard tot de belanghebbende om hun wissing verzoekt of zijn/haar toestemming intrekt.
Met het oog op historische of statistieke doeleinden kunnen ze langer worden bewaard tenzij u uw rechten uitoefent die hieronder worden vermeld en waarin bij verordening door het Europees Parlement wordt voorzien.
De gegevens worden verwerkt in het kader van de contractuele overeenkomst tussen de gebruiker, of de vader, moeder of voogd van de gebruiker als deze jonger is dan 13 jaar, en Taylor Wimpey España.
De identificatiegegevens worden verzameld en doorgegeven voor:
Rechten van de betrokkene
In overeenstemming met het bepaalde in Verordening 2016/679 van het Europees Parlement hebt u de volgende rechten:
We informeren u tevens dat als u geen genoegdoening heeft gekregen door uw rechten uit te oefenen of door de manier waarop ze werden uitgeoefend, u een klacht kunt indienen bij de toezichthoudende autoriteit. Als u meer informatie wenst over dit recht en de uitoefening van dit recht, kunt u zich wenden tot:
Tel.: 901 100 099 en 912 663 517.
C/ Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid.
This Privacy Policy is intended to inform the user (hereinafter, the “User”) of the website (hereinafter, the “Website”) about the collection and use of their personal data.
The company that is responsible for the management of your data is TAYLOR WIMPEY DE ESPAÑA S.A. UNIPERSONAL (hereinafter, “DATA CONTROLLER”) with Fiscal ID number A-07248206 and registered address at C/Aragón 223-223 A Bajos, 07008, Palma de Mallorca, España.
For any queries related to this Data Protection and Privacy Policy, the User can contact the DATA CONTROLLER by sending an e-mail to
The DATA CONTROLLER processes the User’s personal data in order to be able to provide the services requested by the User via the Website, for which the User has given their consent by accepting this Privacy Policy and by ticking the corresponding boxes provided to indicate agreement with the management of the User’s personal data.
The DATA CONTROLLER takes the protection of your privacy and personal data very seriously and therefore, your personal information is kept securely and treated with the utmost care, in full compliance with the provisions laid out in EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Council and Parliament of the 27th of April 2016 regarding the protection of individuals and the processing of personal data and about the free movement of such data (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR“).
This Privacy Policy regulates the access and use of the services (hereinafter, the “Services“) that the DATA CONTROLLER provides for Users interested in the services and content hosted on the Website.
In accordance with the provisions contained in the GDPR, we inform you that your personal data will be processed for the purposes listed below:
Notwithstanding, the User can revoke their consent at any time, either by using the link contained in every marketing communication they receive, or by sending an e-mail to the following address (
The data collected by the DATA CONTROLLER will be stored for as long as the contractual relationship between the parties created for the provision of services exists, and for marketing or informative communications until the deletion of said data is requested by the User.
Once the contractual relationship has been terminated, or the deletion of data used for commercial or informative information has been requested, the data will remain “blocked” until any liabilities arising from the processing of said data expire, up to a maximum period of 3 years.
The User is informed that their data will be collected only for the purposes described in the previous paragraphs and will not be used for any purpose incompatible with those purposes.
The User guarantees that all personal data provided is true and they are responsible for informing the DATA CONTROLLER of any changes to said data. The User will be responsible, in any case, for the veracity of the data provided, and the DATA CONTROLLER reserves the right to exclude any Users who have supplied false information from receiving services, without prejudice to any other recourse that may be applicable in accordance with the law.
We recommended that Users are diligent with regards to Data Protection and make full use of security tools available. The DATA CONTROLLER will not be held responsible for any theft, illicit modification or loss of data.
Any changes or updates to data must be communicated to the DATA CONTROLLER using any of the communication methods mentioned in this Privacy Policy.
The User has the right to (i) access their personal data and (ii) request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, (iii) request its erasure, (iv) request the restriction of the processing of their data, (v) object to the processing of their data, (vi) exercise the right to be forgotten, and (vii) exercise the right to data portability. Additionally, they have the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing.
In order to exercise these rights, the User must demonstrate proof of their identity to the DATA CONTROLLER by including a photocopy of their passport or identity document, or any other legally valid means.
Users may exercise all their rights via any of the means of communication previously mentioned in this Privacy Policy.
Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial process, Users have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, particularly in their country of residence, workplace or place where the alleged infringement took place should they consider that their personal data has been processed unlawfully, and also if they are unsatisfied with the result of exercising their rights. The supervisory authority that has received the complaint will then inform the complainant with regards to the progress and outcome of their complaint.
Data protection and the privacy of its clients and visitors is extremely important to the DATA CONTROLLER and it takes every precaution to prevent your data from being used inappropriately. Your data can only be accessed by authorised personnel.
The DATA CONTROLLER has adequate security in place to protect personal data in accordance with all currently applicable regulations and has implemented the technical means at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and theft of the data provided by Users via the Website, at the same time, without prejudice, it informs you that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable.
The DATA CONTROLLER undertakes to comply with the duty of secrecy and confidentiality with regards to all personal data in accordance with currently applicable legislation.
Personal data supplied will be stored by the DATA CONTROLLER for the period of time necessary in order to provide the requested services.
This Website may contain links to other websites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for any data processing that may be undertaken by the owners of other websites. This Privacy Policy is applicable exclusively to information that we gather on this Website. We recommend you read the privacy policies of any other websites that you may access via a link on our website or that you visit by any other means.
The DATA CONTROLLER reserves the right to introduce changes to this Privacy Policy. When said changes take place, Users will be informed via a notification on the Website, or using any other method deemed suitable depending upon the circumstances.